Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Living A Purposeful Life.

It has been said time and again that life is what you make it to be. However, we have to consider that at the end of it all, the choices and the decisions that we make often determine the direction that our lives are going to. In the quest to live a life full of purpose, certain fundamentals ought to be taken into account but these are from my own observations. Therefore, I consider them as the basics that are going to change the course of somebody's life:
  • To start with, you've got to establish your main goal and objective on this planet. Living a purposeful life begins with you as an individual by putting down your main objective. Goals and objectives act as guides towards re-shaping and re-engineering our lives. Sticking to the various objectives that we have noted down helps us to be focused in life and thus at the end of the day we shall be able to attain meaning in our lives.
  • Secondly, we need to cut out all the negativities that are present in our lives. We therefore have to replace these negativities with positivities. However negative the situation may seem to be, always seek to have a positive mind and you'll be surprised at how eventually the negative situations may positively turn to your favour.
  • Most importantly, to live a purposeful life we need to review the list of those that we closely associate with. These associates, confidantes or friends in simple terms, will always determine the direction of our lives. Carry out an evaluation of your associates and make a decision of whether to continue furthering your relationship with them or to terminate it all together. To simply put it right, you associate with a failure and a loser, you'll end up being one and this the bitter truth. Try as much as possible to foster relations with individuals who will add value to your life. But we have to remember that we should also be close to those who seem to have veered off the way and try as much as possible to aid them to restore their lives.
  • In finding purpose in our lives, we have to remember that our future is more important than the past. However, we need to note that the present is equally vital in helping us to have a brighter future. It does not matter where you have come from but where you are heading to is what will be used as a gauge to measure how effective you were in attaining your goals. Thus, we should cease living in the past and focus our energies on doing our very best at the present moment which will help in establishing a strong foundation for the future.
  • We should take time to appreciate those who have assisted us in various ways whether materially or emotionally. Remember that making it through life is not all about the individual effort but also the efforts of  other well-wishers who strived to see that we live a fruitful life.
  • Living a purposeful life demands that we have to drop the tag of laziness. Most people are lazy and they expect to change their lives to be completely different. This is a fallacy as living a purposeful life demands that we wake up from the slumber and push ourselves out of the comfort zone so as to achieve all the aspects of greatness that we have forever thought or dreamt about.
  • Very effective and proper time management is a basic aspect in giving proof of whether we are leading a life that has purpose or we are simply going through life. We ought to have it in our minds that time is the most important resource that is freely disposable to any person and hence it all depends how best we make use of it. Living a purposeful life entails, therefore, that we should utilize efficiently the time that we have but it should be remembered that a rest is paramount for us to rejuvenate ourselves.  
It is my hope that we should be able to find purpose in our lives and this demands that we evaluate and assess all the aspects of our lives to know where we have come from, where we are and where we are heading to. Goodluck and have a purposeful life!

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