is a fact that Kenyan political parties are not driven by any political
ideology, something which can only be challenged by the hireling ruffians
seeking to propagate their self-interests and those of their political gods. Political
parties in Kenya are outfits pegged on ethnic orientations and inclinations which
suppresses the tenets of patriotism and nationalism as outlined in the
Nationalist Covenant.
political parties are conglomerates and amalgams of ethnic barons who seek to
champion for their individual prospects at the expense of promoting national
unity. These are the ‘political capitalists’ who have hijacked the political
ideals of the Founding Fathers of our republic. They have held Kenya at ransom
and continue to do so and this outrightly endangers the would-be prosperity of
our posterity.
the political parties that are extant, none conforms and affirms to any
definite political ideology but are instead driven by individualistic agenda
shared only by their very close associates. Due to this, the coalitions that
are formed in the pretence of depicting and promoting national unity even
worsen the situation as they are political marriages of convenience, to wrestle
power and if possible retain it through the political recycling of failed
political leaders.
may however argue that the main aim of political competition is to attain power
by forming the government but I instead put forth the argument that the
attainment of political power should be on the basis of the presentation of
well-defined political ideologies among the political competitors. This is
because definite political ideologies tie the masses to the political
leadership which is key in not just enhancing national unity but achieving it
as well.
is what has eluded Kenya for close to fifty decades since the attainment of our
independence. The first republic took-off on a good note with the independence
party, Kenya African National Union(KANU), premising its political activities
and operations on a definite ideology. This was not to last for long as some of
the ‘nationalists’ transformed into ‘political capitalists’. They discovered
that being in power was the perfect time to amass wealth and this greed for
public resources shifted the focus from political ideologies to selfishness. The
1980s saw a weakened economic trajectory largely occasioned by some of the KANU
stalwarts who perfected the art and act of kleptocracy.
emergence of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy(FORD) was a critical
juncture that reinvigorated the foundation of political movements and political
parties on solid ideologies for the collective good of the Kenyan state, then
reeling from the political and economic misdeeds of the cockerel party. FORD
itself was driven by a political ideology anchored on the fundamental ideals of
social democracy. This was touted as the moment in which Kenya’s political
history would be re-written which only turned out to be a pipe dream.
disintegration of FORD into several factions justified the existence of the ‘political
capitalists’ keen to promote their personal ambitions. The ideology of social
democracy that had flamed up certainly flickered out and worst of all the
re-introduction of multi-partyism gave room for the ethnic barons to be able to
thrive and survive in equal measure.
dawn of coalition-based politics has proven not to be the solution to the
challenges posed by negative ethnicity. In my opinion, these coalitions are not
the ultimate answer in our quest to attain absolute national unity because
these entities are agglomerations of ethnic political units.
face the reality here. What will happen to the political parties in CORD if the
coalition breaks up? Similarly, what will be the exact turn of events in case
the Jubilee coalition disintegrates that is if the Jubilee Party of Kenya isn’t
formed? The respective parties will retreat to their ethnic bases as they
ponder their next political moves.
formation of these two coalitions wasn’t just coincidental but accidental as
well. In as much as there are no permanent friends or enemies in politics,
sometimes it’s accidental for some politicians to pretend to unite in the name
of forming political coalitions. I term such events as political accidents
because normally, the carving out of a political union must be underpinned by
similarity in the political ideologies. So what is the precise ideology that led
to the uniting of Orange Democratic Movement, FORD-Kenya and the Wiper
Democratic Party? What is the ideology that binds The National Alliance and the
United Republican Party? Or what ideology informed the formation of the now
defunct Amani Coalition by the United Democratic Front and KANU? No ideology at
blurred political ideologies has often led to party hopping and the subsequent
formation of many political parties. If politicians had the same or similar
ideologies, they would have opted to be members of parties that they share
their vision and mission. Such has not been the case because of the agenda of ‘political
capitalism’ that fashions individualistic gains instead of nationalistic
is the lack of definite political ideologies by the parties that have
translated into a not-so-clear ideology on nationalism and a punctured and
patched-up national economic ideology. Someone might mention the Vision 2030 as
a justification to counter the latter statement but it has already been hijacked
and trampled on by the chief priests of corruption as well as the lords of
poverty and their voracious angels and agents who are the ‘political
our politics will be defined by workable political ideologies we should only
dream about national unity. The concept of having many political parties has
been overtaken by events based on negative ethnicity. Parties have turned out
to be avenues and mechanisms for ethnic barons and patrons. This is what is
ailing Kenya and the young people should be able to confront the challenges
head-on and chart a new path that this beautiful country should take.
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