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It is turning out that
the vice of corruption and its associated elements are being perceived as
normal within the Kenyan state. The concerned authorities and even a large pool
of the Kenyan citizens are no longer taken aback by the incidences and instances
of social, political as well as economic venality witnessed and experienced on
a daily basis.
Kenya’s system of
societal and state organization that is capitalism has morphed into a system of
cartelism, after undergoing a systemic and synthesized evolution since the
attainment of our independence up to the current period of time. But are we
really reaping the fruits of our independence? Not at all because true
independence lies in all the three planes of the state board. This implies that
independence is a three-dimensional aspect, that is, it bears social
independence, political independence and most importantly economic
independence. Majority of Kenyans are not economically, socially and politically
independent due to the fact that corruption is thriving in the country.
Just to be clear
enough, corruption has in fact turned out to be a vibrant independent and
inter-dependent sector of the economy just like any other sector such as
agriculture, manufacturing and others. Its peppiness within the Kenyan economy continues
to intensify through its own creation of the forward and backward linkages with
the other sectors and sub-sectors of the economy; it is deeply entrenched in
the country’s economic, social and political systems.
With the country
ranking among the bottom thirty on the corruption perception index, according
to Transparency International, it implies to a greater extent that our moral
standards are highly questionable, largely depraved and unequivocally
putrescent. But of course not all Kenyans have stinking morals.
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Corruption is a case of
morality versus immorality and in Kenya’s case, the reigning of cartels and its
system of cartelism has deprived majority of the Kenyans the right and
privilege of accessing and utilizing the basic facilities and resources. The
initiators of the cartels and subsequently the propagators of cartelism are the
robber barons and so mind you, we are in the era/age of barony and happily or
sadly living during the time of the robber barons.
In his book, The Robber
Barons published in 1934, Matthew Josephson endeavored to document at length on
how some of the American capitalists were “milking
dry” the citizenry and in due course enriching themselves. Certainly, the
situation is not in any way different from the “state of corruption” in Kenya
at the moment.
Perhaps, the culture of
cartelism and barony in the country can be related to Bernard Mandeville’s
(1670-1733) intellectual and philosophical heresy of virtue being vice and vice
being virtue. The satirical political economist documented in his book, ‘The Fable of the Bees: Or, Private Vices,
Public Benefits’ that, ”the profligate expenditure of the sinful rich gave
work to the poor, while the stingy rectitude of the virtuous penny pincher did
not, hence, private immorality may redound to the public welfare, whereas
private uprightness may be a social burden.”
The Mandevilleanism
doctrine has been fully embraced in the Republic of Kenya. Being corrupt or
extensively mentioned in cases of corruption creates a figure and perception of
heroism. By not engaging in corruption, one is branded as being naïve and even
classified as a villain! Reflecting on this statement by Mandeville, does the
public benefit? Not holistically but the cronies and those closer to the “backbone”
are the beneficiaries. So, the immorality occasioned by some Kenyan somewhere
to loot improves the welfare of the beneficiaries.
Mandevilleanism and barony have taken root in various spheres of the Kenyan
state. The situation is catastrophic especially to the majority of the public
coffers whose coins are plundered by an uncaring lot, a minority whose
voracious appetite for public resources is well known.
In the corporate
sector, we have seen and continue to witness the collapse of several entities
because of the acts of avarice. Revisit the situation at Kenya Airways which is
now the biggest ‘Shame of Africa’ and
no longer the ‘Pride of Africa’. How
can a firm make losses of Kshs.25 billion then Kshs.26 billion? In the finance
industry we have the super-normal/abnormal profits but in KQ’s case, these can
be termed as abnormal losses. The situation at Uchumi Supermarket was not
different before the management was changed. The events at Mumias Sugar Company
were not in any way different. Refer to the collapse of some of the banks in
the country. Dubai Bank and the Imperial Bank collapsed because of the
insatiable appetite of some corrupt individuals.
The housing sector has
also been taken over by the cartels especially in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. How
many cases relating to collapsed buildings have we seen? Criminals, white
collar criminals, have staged a coup in the sector by masquerading as real
estate investors. These criminals of course engage in connivance with the
responsible authorities to risk the lives of Kenyans who contribute dutifully
to the economic growth and development of Kenya’s economy.
The health sector
hasn’t been left behind. The invisible hands of the cartels that execute
visible criminal acts have penetrated into this sector that plays a fundamental
role in treating the populace and in due course maintaining a healthy labour
force for the economy. Have we not heard of some of the medical doctors
referring patients to India and some of their privately-owned medical clinics
out of collusion? Have we not heard of the ‘shortages’ in medical supplies
artificially created by these individuals who only think about making an extra
immoral shilling from the public resources?
Our education system
has been taken hostage by these cartels, invisible as they seem to be. Over the
years the national examinations for the primary, secondary and tertiary
institutions have been leaked because of these criminals. In fact, the acts by
Dr. Fred Matiang’i the Cabinet Secretary for Education to sanitize the system
especially the administration of the national exams have been subjected to
resistance by these disciples of Mandeville.
Let’s not forget that
our political system is largely dominated by these barons. Who owns political
parties and systems in Kenya? A secluded class of elitist capitalists who of
course use political power to cement their “investment” deals. Political
parties are neither agenda-driven nor are they people-centred in the Kenyan
state. They are tools used to orchestrate the economic manipulation of the
whole and because the economy forms the basis for socio-political organization,
then the thoughts of economic, social and political independence are consequently
and consistently watered down.
The preying culture is
also ingrained in the petroleum industry. At a time when oil prices are at their
lowest globally, locally we have not fully benefited from the slump in the
prices because some fellows somewhere are controlling the gears. I’m meant to
believe that the current prices of petroleum products are supposed to be
relatively cheaper by Kshs.20 or thereabout. What if we start drilling the
recently discovered oil in some parts of Kenya? I have a feeling that we might
not be significantly better off with the discoveries and the subsequent
drilling of the “Texas Tea.” Right now the barons are conspiring to grab the
land on which the Kenya Petroleum Refinery Limited is situated.
I still don’t have a
clear comprehension of why some bottled “mineral water” is more expensive than
petroleum in this country. Most of these water bottling firms have in fact
admitted to filling the so called “mineral water” with ordinary tap water.
Water is supposed to be a basic right and basic commodity freely provided by
the state and its agencies. In my opinion, all towns, centres and market
centres are supposed to have a constant flow of cool and clean water freely
available to all people. But because we allowed water, one of the basic rights
to humankind, to be corruptly commercialized then such an act only remains a
reverie. Cartels have taken over the water industry that we end up experiencing
artificial shortages for them to reap big. Recall the closure of several water
bottling plants in Kenya sometime back by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).
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Cartels have even gone
to an extent of stealing and looting relief food and items. What a shame! What
an embarrassment! These are the effects of cartelism, a mutated form of
capitalism. Is it that capitalism has failed to generate social, economic and
political independence? Maybe…Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), one of the
greatest and brilliant economists and political scientists in the world,
attested to the fact that economically capitalism had succeeded but
sociologically capitalism had failed.
The political
leadership, at the national and county levels MUST be committed in the fight
against corruption. What happened to the Economic Crimes Act of 2003?
Parliamentarians should make amendments to this legislation and make corruption
very expensive. But I doubt most of these “honorable” members of the august
House because they have never been concerned about scrutinizing the national
budgets that we have had for the last three years or so. Theirs is to keep
strategizing on how they will be re-elected and globe-trotting by making silly
benchmarking tours on policy-making when similar policies are gathering dust on
shelves of various ministries. What is the role of the Executive in this
republic? Resign to cartels and corruption?
Sadly enough, the
justice system hasn’t been spared by the cartels and the robber barons. The
institutions mandated to fight corruption are indeed waging their own unending
battles against corruption itself. The Ethics & Anti-Corruption Commission
(EACC), the Attorney General’s office, the Judiciary, the office of the
Director of Public Prosecutions and the various police units are all faced with
The national teams have
mercilessly fallen in the fishing nets of the cartels. Teams which have fallen
victim to these economic robbers include the athletics team, Harambee Stars,
the men’s rugby team (Shujaa), Malkia Strikers (Women’s volleyball team) among
others. Where did our African values disappear to? Is cartelism African?
Well, let’s change our
conduct or forget altogether about the bright unforeseen future of Vision 2030
and beyond if we are not going to be ANGRY
ENOUGH about corruption.
This post was first published on savicltd.wordpress.com
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